TIP FOR BETTER PLAYBACK VIEWING: Start the Video by Pressing the "Play Arrow" button, when the video starts Press the "Pause" (double vertical bar) button. This will allow more time for the video data to stream into your computer memory, give it a minute or so, then press the "Play" button again to resume watching. What happens is the player uses data faster than what is coming in, that's why videos often gag when you watch them.
Professor Doug Bell and Friends
2015 "That's Rock N'Roll" Documentary
Doug Bell
2012 Country Song "Whiskey and Water" written and performed by Doug Bell with The Grassroot. This is from Scorch's PFG-TV recorded LIVE at Tupelo Music Hall, Londonderry, NH, on October 5, 2012. A big Thank You goes out to Scorch TV and Red 13 Media for providing us with this video.
Doug Bell and Bellevue Cadillac
Performing the song "Havana Moon"
Richard Axtman ~ Northern Music Doug Bell and Bellevue Cadillac Must be Love Doug Bell and Bellevue Cadillac Prozac Doug Bell and Bellevue Cadillac Hazel Eyes Doug Bell and Bellevue Cadillac Cuppa Joe Doug Bell and Bellevue Cadillac Pull the Plug Doug Bell and Bellevue Cadillac Lay Your Money Down Doug Bell and Bellevue Cadillac Train Doug Bell and Bellevue Cadillac Ships Doug Bell and Bellevue Cadillac Blues on Sunday
Doug Bell and Bellevue Cadillac
Live footage from Harborlights, Boston, and Hollywood performing with Jack Nicholson, Bill Murray, and Alice Cooper
Jack Nicholson as Guest Chauffeur
Doug Bell and Bellevue Cadillac
The Center for Arts in Natick (TCAN)
Doug Bell and Bellevue Cadillac
The James Montgomery Blues Band
Playing the song Ramona
Doug Bell and Bellevue Cadillac At the C Note in Hull, Massachusetts Barrence Whitfield, Doug Bell & James Montgomery Free Styling Backstage at The Salem Jazz and Soul Festival Big Blues Band Fund Raiser on 4-18-09 at the Peabody Essex Museum in Salem, Massachusetts Doug Bell and Bellevue Cadillac
The Parish Center for the Arts (PCA)
Doug Bell at Sun Studio in Memphis, TN
Filmed by Dick Pelletier right where Elvis
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| This Web Site Opened 11-08-09 Last Revised 11-18-17 Copyright 2009-2017 ~ All Rights ReservedThe Contact for Doug Bell, Management, Webmaster and Promotions is Richard Axtman ~ Northern Music Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/richard.axtman E-mail: northernmusic@yahoo.com |